Lead-to-Tour Program (L2T)

Only Pay For Tours That Actually Show Up

Generate 50% more tours and move-ins from your existing leads within 90 days while saving your salespeople time and stress.

We take the initial lead response and lead nurturing off your plate so your salespeople don’t have to. There’s a one-time setup fee but after that, you only pay when a tour that we’ve booked actually moves in to one of your communities. (ie. this is a fully performance-based program with no recurring fees or retainers)  

All interactions are customized to your brand but we leverage proven scripts for phone, email, and text to contact your prospects faster and more effectively, giving you a competitive advantage over other communities in your area.

After the tour is booked we provide prospects with customized pre-tour packets, checklists, and info about your community to increase the probability that the tour shows up and has the best experience possible. We also provide your staff with sales training resources on how to give better tours, resulting in faster revenue for your business. 


Plus One-Time Setup Fee
*Requires Hubspot Professional

Benefits (Click to Expand)

Increase your lead-to-tour conversion rate by 50% and generate more tours from your existing leads.  From there it’s up to your sales team to close them. But all things being equal, more pre-qualified tours showing up at your community means means more move-ins.

WOW” your prospects by increasing speed-to-lead by 90%+.  There’s only one chance to make a great first impression. Every component of our lead-to-tour program is designed to do just that….make an amazing first impression and get the prospect in for a tour!

Your sales staff needs to be spending their limited time on high-leverage, revenue-generating activities,; not chasing leads that go nowhere.

We save your sales directors an average of 10 hours per week chasing unqualified leads. This is time they could be spent giving tours or following up with pre-qualified prospects.

Your Sales Team Deserves Some Support!

We take the hassle of initial lead contact and management off your staff’s so plate so they can get back to doing what they do best….giving tours of your community and interacting with potential residents!

"By the time the leads got to me they were all qualified and ready to go and take the next steps in the sales process. It was like night & day”

Program Features Include:

Sales Team Extension

We employ call reps with previous senior living experience & specialized training.


Increase speed-to-lead by 90%+ And reporting on how fast your prospects are being responded to

Lead Qualifying

Qualify prospects before your sales staff even speaks with them and enable your staff to ONLY talk with pre-qualified prospects.

Tour Scheduling

Get tours and appointments scheduled for your sales staff using a fully-integrated tour scheduling calendar that connects to your CRM.

Customized Templates

Personalized email and SMS templates that are specific to senior living and specific to your community

Consistent Follow-Up

Hubspot's powerful software allows for many repetitive tasks to be automated. No more forgetting!

Seamless Integration

We work in-tandem with your existing software tools and sales team. No need for new software or additional tools.

Call Recordings and Detailed Notes

Full transparency into all calls & interactions that are made with your prospects.

Full Transparency

Measure effectiveness in real-time with transparent reporting. We reports on inquiry-to-tour, inquiry-to-move in, speed to lead, and many other senior living specific metrics.